By the Name of Allah, praises be to Allah, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah.
Allah the Al-Mighty said: “Exalted is He Who took His Servant [i.e., Prophet Mohammed) by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” (Chapter of al-Isra’: 1)
Allah the Al-Mighty also said: “While he (Prophet Mohammed) was in the higher [part of the] horizon. * Then he approached and descended, * And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer, * And he revealed to His Servant what he revealed [i.e., conveyed].” (Chapter of An-Najm: 7)
Verses of the two surahs of the Holy Qur’an clearly stand as evidence of the greatest journey from the time of Adam until the Day of Judgment. It is the journey of Al-‘Isra Wal-Mi’raj (the Night Journey and Ascension); the greatest and most magnificent miracle of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) after the Holy Qur’an.
Meanings of the Arabic Words “Isra'” and “Mi’raj”:
Isra means literally traveling at night, and in this particular context, it indicates the night journey of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) from Mecca to al-Masjid al-Aqsa in al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Mi’raj means literally elevating or ascending, and in this particular context,t it indicates the ascension of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) to the Presence of Allah the Al-Mighty above the seven heavens.
Context of al-Isra’ and al-Mi’raj:
The miracle of Al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj took place during a hard time when Prophet Mohammed’s peace be upon him was passing by. Prophet Mohammed was suffering the death of his beloved wife Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) and his uncle Abo Taleb, who were his supporters and ally. The Prophet severely felt grief upon losing both of them together, to the extent he named the year in which they died with “Year of Grief”.
In addition, Prophet Mohammed went to Ta’if to call its people to worship Allah and to support him in spreading his Message of Islam. But they faced his invitation to Islam with rejection and mockery. Moreover, they made their young boys throw stones at the Prophet (peace be upon him). This incident increased the grief and sorrow of the Prophet (peace be upon him), so the journey of al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj came as a relief and condolence to the Prophet. So Allah has spoken the truth when He says: “Verily with every hardship, there will be ease.” (Chapter of As-Sharh: 6)
Story of Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj:
(1) The Night Journey
It disagreed about the exact date of the journey of al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj, but as mentioned above it occurred during the time of hardships that the Prophet was facing. The first part of the journey (al-Isra’) started when the Prophet was sleeping in the house of Um Hani in Mecca. The Prophet said: “The roof of my house was opened and the Angel Gabriel descended.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari) The Prophet continued: “I was then brought a white beast which is called al-Buraq, bigger than a donkey and smaller than a mule. Its stride was as long as the eye could reach.” (Narrated by Muslim)
The Prophet reported that he was then taken to Ka’ba where his heart was washed with Zamzam and replaced so that it could bear the miraculous incidents of the journey. Then he rode al-Buraq, which was described of being faster than lightning. And in no time the Prophet reached al-Masjid al-Aqsa in al-Quds where he led all Prophets from Adam to Jesus in congregational prayer.
(2) The Ascension
After that the Prophet ascended to the heavens with Gabriel, and he met several Prophets through these heavens, such as Adam, Moses, Jesus, and Ibrahim (may Allah be pleased with them). Then the Prophet ascended to what is beyond the seven heavens; Paradise where he saw some of its inhabitants. After that, the Prophet saw the Throne, which is the ceiling of Paradise. Then Prophet Mohammed saw Sidrat al-Muntaha; a very large tree of Sidr. It is a sacred tree beyond which no one can pass.
At that point,t Gabriel stopped telling the Prophet he could not proceed further. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) reached a place where he heard the creaking of the pens used by angles who are copying from the Preserved Tablet. He finally became at the Presence of Allah. How magnificent was that! The Prophet heard the Kalam of Allah, which is not like our speech. At that time Allah had prescribed the five daily obligatory prayers. In the beginning, there were fifty prayers, but the Prophet supplicated to Allah, according to Prophet Moses’ advice, to ease the obligation of the fifty prayers because his Ummah could not bear them. The prayers were reduced time after time until they became the five prayers. How Merciful is Allah!
(3) Returning Home
In the end, the Prophet was taken back to al-Aqsa and returned to Mecca. While on the way, the Prophet saw some caravans directed towards Mecca. When he reached Mecca, and told people of his miraculous journey, they did not believe him. They could not imagine how he could go to al-Masjid al-Aqsa in less than one night while it took months for them to reach it. They mocked the Prophet saying that he was mad.
A man of Quraish went to Abo Bakr and told him about what the Prophet said, Abo Bakr said: “If he really said this, he is truthful.” From that point, he was called “As-Sedeek”. Only a few people of Quraish believed this story, but most confronted it with rejection and mockery.
Miraculousness of the Story of Al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj:
Al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj is a prominent miracle in Islam. Up till this time, it is still discussed and many misconceptions are spread about it. That is because people consider it from their short view, but when considering it from the View of Allah, the Creator of All Things, the Capable of All Things, it is considered nothing besides many miracles and strange events in the universe. It is from Allah Who says to the thing, “Be,” and “It will be,” Glory Be to Him.
Lessons Learned from the Story of Al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj:
1) This miracle took place during a hard time that the Prophet was passing by. From that point we learn that Allah is always with you, knows your state, and sends you means of relief and peace at times of hardships. So be quiet, “Verily with hardship, there will be ease.”
2) This story shows the favor of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). He is the only Prophet who saw and talked to his Lord. He is the only Prophet who was elevated to this high rank of seeing the Unseen, the Hell Fire, the Paradise, and finally being in the Presence of Allah the Al-Mighty. Moreover, the Prophet led all Prophets in prayer and this shows his supreme rank over them and his special rank in the sight of Allah.
3) This miracle shows the unique rank of Prayer in Islam. Prayer is the only act of worshipping obligated from above the seven heavens. It was not revealed to the Prophet by Angel Gabriel, but it was directly obligated by Allah the Al-Mighty. This represents its supreme stands as a gift from Allah to His Prophet and to all Muslims. Therefore, keep on performing it regularly, and when neglecting it just remember that the Prophet was taken to what is beyond the seven heavens, to the Presence of Allah where the prayer was obligated upon him.
4) True believers and true friends appear at the time of distress. When all people disbelieved the story of Al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj, accusing the Prophet of being mad, only Abo Bakr As-Sedeek believed in all that he said without asking for proof.
5) The story shows the importance of al-Masjid al-Aqsa in Islam, which is considered the first Qiblah and one of the Sacred Masjids. The Prophet did not ascend to the heavens from the Ka’ba but from al-Masjid al-Aqsa.
6) This journey stands as evidence of many Unseen matters; such as Paradise, Hell Fire, and the Angels.
7) It teaches us to leave logic when dealing with Unseen matters. When thinking of this story, it seems impossible to believe its incidents. But when reflecting on the Will and Power of Allah, it seems an ordinary incident besides his Ultimate Power.
There is no doubt that Al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj Journey, up till this time, stands as a manifestation of the Great Power of Allah, and the high rank of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). It still stands as a test of Faith for Muslims. It is a call to renew our belief in Allah, His Ultimate Power, His Prophet, and the Unseen.
So we ask Allah the Al-Mighty to keep us steadfast on His Right Path and to help us keep on performing prayer.