Quran for Kids: Quran Lessons Online, The Holy Quran is the sacred Word of Allah transmitted to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) by divine revelation throughout twenty years. The Holy Scriptures of Islam show the exact and perfect way to salvation. It consists of a complete code of teachings and laws according to the needs of each era, and it provides means for the moral and spiritual development of all humanity, as well as the remedy for their ills. For kids, the Holy Qur’an and Quran explain the fundamental goal of human existence: to worship and serve Allah, its Creator, and obtain proximity to Him.
The Holy Quran lessons online are divided into chapters and verses. It has one hundred and fourteen chapters. The episode is called “sura,” each with a specific name and various verses. The verses are called “ayah.” The Holy Quran lessons online are divided into thirty parts to complete during Ramadan.
register nowThe theme of the Quran for Kids Course
The Holy Quran is known as the sacred Scripture of Muslims. It was revealed by God, word for word, to His servant, the Holy Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, in Arabia about 1,400 years ago.
The revelation process began in 610 AD when the Prophet of Islam was around 40 and extended over 23 years. Although the degree of literacy was meager in Arabia then, the Holy Qur’an began to be written from the beginning, and several scribes used it at different times for this sacred work. The most outstanding Quran lessons online among them were:
Abu Bakr, Ali, Zaid bin Thabit, and Zubair ibn al-Awwam (may God be pleased with them all).
Description of the Quran for Kids Course
The reading Quran learning course is divided into three grades and contains textbooks and exercise books combined into one book. The complete series of Quran for kids can be taught intensively in 300 classes (with an average of 45 minutes, one class), 100 classes for each grade. If the program does not become as intensive, it can be taught within three years.
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In addition to this, many companions of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, memorized the Holy Qur’an as it revealed. Remembering great literary works was nothing new for the Arabs. They were proud of their excellent retentive memory and considered incomparable in this field. It is known that some of them memorized more than 100,000 verses from several Arab poets. Therefore, a dual system of preservation of the Holy Quran was maintained from beginning to end, which made the writing of the Holy Book intact and unaltered. Although various attempts have been made to prove otherwise by Western scholars, such efforts have failed. After applying the strict measures, these specialists had to admit, finally, that the Holy Quran is the one.
Various confronting factions emerged after the murder of Othman. About a quarter of a century after Mohammad’s death, he had been present in the Muslim world. However, a single Koran has existed among them and used agreed by all. In all epochs and until now, the same Scripture is irrefutable proof that we have the exact text prepared by order of the unfortunate Caliph before us. There is probably no other book in the world that has remained in such a pure version for twelve centuries. Quran for Kids – Quran Lessons Online Online Quran Classes For Kids
register nowDescription of the Quran for Kids Course
The reading Quran learning course is divided into three grades and contains textbooks and exercise books combined into one book. The complete series of Quran for kids can be taught intensively in 300 classes (with an average of 45 minutes, one class), 100 classes for each grade. If the program does not become as intensive, it can be taught within three years.
Tasks Plus – basic level
It is an introductory Quran Tajweed online Arabic course with thematic blocks. That advances from the knowledge of the lift to the most complicated formulas of the language.
It develops in a digital background (at the moment, a flat one) in which graphic elements are used to support the classes. One or two situations will also be dramatized by real students to illustrate with live examples what Dr. Hussein is explaining.
Therefore, it is a small manual of the Arabic language. It is still in progress, but it will be able to provide some essential communication elements of one of the oldest living languages in the world.
register nowMuslim Andalusians – Madrasa
Madrasa means ‘school,’ ‘school,’ ‘place of study’. This section will be dedicated to the Arabic language, an indispensable tool for understanding Islam in depth and one of the most critical words at present. The Arabic language classes you will find in this section will be in Latin script. Furthermore, they will aim to enhance the practice of spoken Arabic—always cult with the Quran for kids-.
Goals and objectives of the course
It is a platform that, in a quick and very graphic way. It refers to the expressions of the day-to-day in the Arab world. Also, it explains how logical combinations are achieved. And when you must use certain expressions that can be entirely the opposite on the planet’s western side. Online Quran Classes For Kids
register nowWho should take this Quran Tajweed online course?
This series course is designed for those who do not speak Arabic and become upper-level students. The Arabic Alphabet for Kids series emphasizes communication and also offers an image of Arab culture, both Islamic and general.
These courses are made for those who want to be able to understand and communicate in a language quickly. You do not require studying grammar and spelling to speak; children are clear proof. To learn a word from a book, you need to be an expert in phonics. You must become familiar with the sounds. That is why this method of learning is based on audio and images. Writing is just a support for sounds and pictures. In the first stage, you do not read texts; you only have to listen. You listen, you see, you learn. Online Quran Classes For Kids
We have a large list of students who have learned the Quran using our online learning platform. Visit us to clarify your doubts and register for learning. Limited seats are available, so don’t miss the chance. Quran for Kids—Quran Lessons Online.
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